Connect to Wise and make international payments faster, cheaper and more convenient
When modernising international payment infrastructure costs you time and money, you need a smart solution.
We’re making it easier for both banks and major enterprises to modernise cross-border payments and drive innovation without the cost and complexity of traditional correspondent banking networks.
Bespoke solutions for your correspondent needs
With Wise Platform's Correspondent Services product suite, banks and fintechs can now transform their cross-border payments simply by leveraging an API or connecting to Wise via the trusted Swift network, eliminating the need for extensive technical adaptations.
Instant international payments without
a multi-year tech overhaul.
Our new Send solution builds upon the scale, reliability and convenience of Swift, the global messaging network that powers banks around the world.
And our portal can receive payment instructions sent via MT or MX and translate them into a local payout using Wise’s network.
All of this with just a simple configuration change.
Receive money internationally without the price tag.
Our Receive API solution allows banks, fintechs and enterprises without access to the Swift network, to receive multiple currencies from around the world. At speed and without the high cost.
Forget the months-long build, implementation and cost of traditional correspondents. Forget having to issue new account numbers or repeat customer onboarding. With our solution, you’ll be able to go live within weeks. And our dedicated teams are on-hand to support you, every step of the way.
Revolutionise your international payments
with our new Correspondent Services

Thanks to our global payments network, 57% of payments arrive in under 20 seconds. And 94% arrive within 24 hours.

Lower cost
Streamline your correspondent services and reduce the costs of processing cross-border payments.

More transparent
Retain access to real-time payments tracking via Swift GPI, ensuring visibility into payment flows for your customers, and streamlining reconciliation operations.

More convenient
Transform your cross-border payments services without a major technical overhaul. And give your customers a one-stop solutionfor faster, low-cost and more convenient international payments.
Steve Naudé, Managing Director, Wise Platform
"We know that banks face a number of challenges when it comes to enhancing their international payments, including that this often requires them to embed technology which is incompatible with legacy infrastructure.
By simultaneously leveraging existing payments architecture and optimising payouts using Wise's global network, we are empowering banks to innovate effortlessly.
Our network, combined with Swift’s extensive reach and trackability, will make international payments more convenient, faster and lower cost for banks, without necessitating a major tech build."

Get the inside track on global payments from Wise’s CEO Kristo Käärmann.
Learn about CBDCs and the future of cross-border payments with Wise’s CTO Harsh Sinha
In-depth panel discussions
Learn from industry experts including SWIFT, McKinsey & Company, UniCredit, Accenture, EQ Bank, EY, Thought Machine and more
Interactive demonstrations
How to make payments instant, bringing down the cost of cross border payments, challenges and opportunities in exotic currencies, demonstrate DFv3 and review SDKs and more